كأس العالم ٢٠٢٢ والقوة الناعمة والببلوماسية والبروباغندا
أزمة القوة الناعمة الألمانية ومونديال قطر القوة الناعمة تدوم طويلا وقد تتعدى الأزمات، الدبلوماسية العامة مكلفة لكنها سهلة العطب، البروباغندا استثمار رخيص لكن فشلها كارثة. [Read More…]
أزمة القوة الناعمة الألمانية ومونديال قطر القوة الناعمة تدوم طويلا وقد تتعدى الأزمات، الدبلوماسية العامة مكلفة لكنها سهلة العطب، البروباغندا استثمار رخيص لكن فشلها كارثة. [Read More…]
It is understood that only through global cooperation can we effectively combat global challenges such as climate change and security. Emerging economies, like China, play [Read More…]
Soon after returning to power in 2012, Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, boldly asserted that “Japan is back” from its “lost decades” of economic stagnation and political [Read More…]
Center of Public Diplomacy|November 22, 2016 Today, November 22, 2016, marks the 53rd anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. His legacy of American exceptionalism lives [Read More…]
By: TED SWEDENBURG |AUGUST 31, 2009 Lately I’ve run across a spate of kufiyas that are quite distinct from the hipster, the solidarity or the designer [Read More…]
1. Introduction In a multi-polar international system that is becoming more and more globalized, countries today are paying greater attention to cultural diplomacy, as part [Read More…]
[W]When western diplomats seek concessions from Iran, they typically dish out tough rhetoric and threaten sanctions. Neil MacGregor, the cherub-faced director of the British Museum, [Read More…]
[S]Since 1960, the North Korean government has constructed many buildings, monuments, and statues in Africa. These architectural structures have been covered by the international press [Read More…]
[T] The middle powers, in their struggle for stability, prosperity and recognition, have in recent years developed an intense interest in the question of national [Read More…]
[T]To most Americans, table tennis is a minor Olympic sport, shown on late-night TV coverage of the Olympic Games, if at all. But [Read More…]
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